KMS Tools Portable 15.12.2024 by Ratiborus for Windows 10, 11


KMS Tools is a comprehensive suite of various activators and auxiliary applications to provide a fully licensed version of any editions of Windows, as well as Microsoft Office. The latest version of the application is available for free download via torrent at the end of the page, but first, we recommend reviewing the step-by-step instructions that describe the process of using the software.

Activator Description

If you look at the user interface of the activator, you can see a list of programs included in the suite. Below we will describe each of the tools in more detail.

KMS Tools

How to Activate Windows

First, let’s see how to use the KMSTools Activator and how to get a licensed version of Windows or Microsoft Office for free using this activator:

  1. First, we need to disable Windows Defender or any other antivirus used in the system. To launch the application, you can click on the icon in the system tray or use the search.


Disabling Windows Defender

  1. When the antivirus is running, find the link to go to the settings management.


Managing Windows Defender Settings

  1. Disable all available modules, including real-time protection.


Disabling real-time protection in Windows Defender

  1. Next, we can proceed directly to working with the activator. To do this, download the latest version of the program, extract the archive, and first add an exception to Windows Defender rules. To do this, run the specified file as an administrator.

KMS Tools Portable 15.12.2024

Archive password: 12345

Before extracting the archive, be sure to disable the built-in or third-party antivirus. Any activators are perceived by the Microsoft operating system as malicious software and are immediately deleted.


Adding an Exception to Antivirus Rules for Launching KMS Tools

  1. After that, launch the activator itself. Open the file circled in red in the screenshot.


Launching KMS Tools

  1. To activate Windows or Microsoft Office, you can use one of the tools offered to the user. We will continue our instructions using KMSAuto Lite.

Launching KMSAuto Lite in KMS Tools

  1. After launching the selected activator, click on the button to activate Windows or Microsoft Office. The activation of both the operating system and the office suite from the same developer is supported.


Starting Activation in KMSAuto Lite

  1. After just a few moments, a license key and a message about the successful outcome of the operation will be displayed at the bottom of the window.


Successful Activation of Windows 11

Additional Functions

Now that we have learned how to use the program, let’s look at the additional features of KMS Tools. To describe all the tools included, we have prepared a corresponding list:

  • Program for activating Windows and Office through a local KMS server.
  • AAct Portable. A portable tool for activating Windows and Office without installing additional software.
  • AAct Network. A tool for activating Windows and Office in network environments.
  • KMSAuto Lite. A simplified version of the program for activating Windows and Office through a KMS server.
  • W10 Digital Activation. A specialized program for activating Windows 10.
  • Office 2025 Install. A utility for installing Microsoft Office.
  • Office Uninstall. A tool for uninstalling installed versions of Microsoft Office.
  • MSAct++. A program for managing the activation of Microsoft products.
  • PIDKey Lite. A tool for checking and managing Microsoft product keys.
  • KMSAuto Net. An automatic KMS activator for Windows operating systems and Office.
  • Clear Temp. A utility for clearing temporary files in the system.
  • Garbage Collector. A tool for cleaning the system of unused files and settings.
Note: The name of each program is a link where you can go and read a detailed step-by-step instruction for using a particular activator.

Download KMS Tools

Using the direct link attached below, you can download the latest version of the activator for free and without viruses.

Developer: Ratiborus
Official website:
License: Free
Language: English, Russian
Supported platforms: Windows 8/8.1, 10, 11 x86 – x64 (32, 64 Bit), Microsoft Office

KMS Tools Portable by Ratiborus 15.12.2024

Archive password: 12345

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