Office 2013-2025 C2R Install v7.7.7.7 + Lite by Ratiborus

Office C2R Install

Office 2013-2025 C2R Install is a comprehensive set of tools that allows you to automatically download Microsoft Office and activate the software during installation. Let’s take a closer look at the application, learn how to use it correctly, and then you can download the latest version via a direct link.

Activator Description

The user interface of the program is shown in the attached screenshot below. There are several tabs, but you only need the first one to activate Microsoft Office. The rest of the functionality will be covered in a separate section.

Office C2R Install

How to Activate Microsoft Office

Let’s go through a step-by-step guide on how to use Office 2013-2025 C2R Install and activate Microsoft Office with this software:

  1. First, disable the built-in or third-party antivirus. Any activators are perceived by the operating system as malicious software. Accordingly, find virus and threat protection using the search and go to its settings.


Disabling Windows Defender

  1. Another window opens, where you need to select the “Manage settings” link.


Managing Windows Defender Settings

  1. Now sequentially disable all triggers, including real-time protection.


Disabling real-time protection in Windows Defender

  1. Next, you can proceed directly to activating Microsoft Office. To do this, download the program and run it with administrator privileges.

Office 2013-2025 C2R Install v7.7.7.7

Archive password: 12345

If you do not disable the built-in or third-party antivirus before extracting the archive, the activator file will be immediately deleted.


Launching Office C2R Install

  1. Select the language of the office suite to be installed. Check the modules you will need for further work. Also, specify the version of Microsoft Office. After that, you can click the button marked with the number “3” and just wait for the process to complete.


Office activation in Office C2R Install

If the office suite is already installed, you can simply activate it. For this, there is the second tab: “Utilities and Settings”.

Additional Functions

Let’s look at the list of additional features of Office 2013-2025 C2R Install. In the “Utilities and Settings” tab, you can simply activate an already installed Microsoft Office. Some additional features are also supported, such as changing the edition of the office suite, launching individual products, and so on.


Utilities and settings Office C2R Install

The next tab with features is called “Download Office”. Here, you will find tools for downloading the office suite without activating it.


Downloading Office in Office C2R Install

The last tab, called “About”, contains information about the developer, a link to the official website, and so on.


About Office C2R Install


Using the direct link below, you can download the latest version of the office suite activator for free.

Developer: Ratiborus
License: Free
Language: English, Russian
Supported platforms: Microsoft Office x86 – x64 (32, 64 Bit)

Office 2013-2025 C2R Install v7.7.7.7 + Lite by Ratiborus

Archive password: 12345

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